Sunny Spicy Love Fest

Peace, Love, and Antifascism

Hey wassup y’all? ¡Órale! This is your favorite politically inclined, adult-language-oriented GringoMex blogger here, back at it again making you laugh (I hope) and spreading peace, love, and antifascism, which to me are pretty much the same thing.

I would like to thank all of you who read and gave feedback on the last post, which just arose, spontaneously. I do hope you enjoy the posts to come, and I also hope you heed your inner voices and treat a Mexican with kindness today, also a Libyan, a Syrian refugee, even the gun-toting, truck-driving dude down the street whom your are sure voted for Trump but you don’t quite know for sure and really just don’t want to ask him because it would ruin your day, you know, make you feel like taking a suppository (I get it; sometimes I would rather cram a pill up my ass than engage someone in a political discussion, but fuck it, we all know sometimes the discussions come to us.) While you’re at it, please smile at yourself. That may be the most important smile yet.

Here’s something to make you smile–México! This is the cathedral in Puerto Vallarta

Now, if you live in Gringolandia, book a vacation to Mexico today! I’m about to book one for March, so perhaps I’ll see you in a tequila joint someplace tropical! Hasta pronto, amigos.

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